Thursday, November 22, 2007

Bugger Buddies Outed on Harry's Place

Go here to see an amazing exposure of the naked anti-Semitism of bugger buddies Tony Greenstein, Mark Elf, and Lenni Brenner.
Among other comments:

Clearly, it is not just Jews in the mainstream who like to argue, because the tiny fringe of Jews who are committed opponents of Zionism seem to have a similar penchant. Tony Greenstein, a key anti-Zionist Jewish activist in Britain, last year said, “Yes, I want the state of Israel to be destroyed.” ...

I suppose that Israelis and their supporters should be grateful that to the best intelligence we have available, Tony Greenstein has not been trying to obtain a nuclear capability.
Fighting on the same side as Tony Greenstein is Mark “Jews Sans Frontiers” Elf. This character divides the world into anti-Zionists (good) and Zionists (bad.) Elf believes that Zionists are “dominating, if not controlling, the whole media” and that his blog, in its own small way, is a counterbalance to this domination. (As an aside, if there are
any media journalists reading this, can they please confirm that on their application form for their job, as well as having to provide references, they had to swear allegiance to the State of Israel.)
Elf will of course claim that he is only anti-Zionist and not in the slightest bit antisemitic. Only last week he said:
The sad thing, I think, is this propensity for sheer instinctive dishonesty has become a habit of mind with many, maybe most, Jews. It's part of the culture now and it'll be a hard slog shifting it. I think as communities, the Jews are heading for a disaster thanks to this grotesque culture of deceit....
Surely, this was a simple slip up. Elf must have meant Zionists. He would not possibly be calling Jews dishonest would he?...

Tony Greenstein erroneously believes that during the Holocaust the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, Gilad.

Go here for the rest.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Bugger Boy's Buddy Arrested for Theft

Now available for all to read here, Tony Greenstein, the Stalinist sidekick and mentor of Roland Rance, was arrested for theft and pled guilty. The Stalnist anti-Zionists have a new way to battle against capitalism and achieve a dictatorship of the proletariat. No, not just by erecting Gulags. They are going to shoplift their way to socialism!

Rance's pal struggles to free the working class:

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Rance and Pals produce Mag Banned as Racist!

The Jewish Chronicle a while back reported that Roland Rance and some of his KGB friends produced a racist anti-Jewish rag that was so vile that the British National Union of Students had it banned. In it Rance denounced Orthodox Jews for being "Nazis." The rag and its Stalinist producers (including Rancie and the Greenstalinist Tony Greenstein) were widely denounced in Britain for being racist and anti-Semitic.
Rance and his friends publish anti-Jewish magazine:

Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Bugger Boy Declares war on Donald Duck

It seems Roland Rance finally met his intellectual match when he challenged Donald Duck, and lost.

From the best that we can figure, it seems Rance objected to the Zionist youth movements in the UK collecting money using cans that showed a cartoon figure of Donald Duck. More of those human rights abuses by the Israel Lobby one supposes. Distracts the youth of Britain from the task at hand of building Gulags and annihilating the kulaks.

Of course, Abu Duck is far more intelligent than Roland Rance and his little cadre of would-be KGB agents.

Maybe that is what really got the Buggerance annoyed enough to write the press against the charity boxes.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Traitor Rance Proudly Proclaims his Disloyalty to UK!

Meet Roland Rance's Guru!

We are not the only ones around to regard Roland Rance as a pathetic little traitor. It turns out he regards himself as such! And he is proud of it!

Writing on the ALEF chat list for anti-Semites and Israel haters, Rance writes on September 29, 2007:


Dear Zeev

I live in Britain; but my attitude would be the same were I to live in Israel, Switzerland, Venezuela or wherever else.

There is, of course, a particular problem with the UK state -- in my opinion, it should be neither united, nor a kingdom -- but even if England, or Britain, were to replace the UK, I would not offer it my allegiance....


We think our little bugger deserves to be awarded the Oswald Mosley award for progressive constructive treason!

Mosley and Duce, inspiring Roland Rance

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Rance denounces Bull for not being Communist Enough

Rance Out-Gulaging the Stalinists:

Roland Rance took some time off from his auto-eroticism for Islamofascism to post an attack on Royston Bull on the "JustPeaceUK" chat list on October 1, 2004.

"JustPeaceUK" is a communist anti-Semitic pro-terror chat list. In his posting, Rance denounces Bull for not being commuist enough and for not being anti-Semitic enough.

He writes:
'I have become involved in an increasingly bizarre exchange with the crazed Royston Bull in the correspondence column of the Weekly Worker, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Bull, a notoriously homophobic former Trotskyist, now Stalinist in his politics, wrote a few weeks ago defending his opposition to the gay rights movement, asserting that such issues should be "postponed in favour of the world seeing its way to a total Palestinian victory over the whole post-1945 Jewish/imperialist colonisation attempt, one unavoidable key on the way to the world revolution". I responded, asking in what way I had benefitted from this conspiracy, to which Bull replied that my anti-Zionist "naive delusions" would be more credible if I "could be heard enouncing the foundation of the state of Israel and all its works". Of course, I responded, noting my activity over nearly thirty years, ansd asking where Bull had been during that time. He has now responded in turn, arguing that a two-state solution is an "evil fraud", a secular democratic state is "Utopian", and the only solution is "driving this rotten Zionist stunt into the sea". Bull is thus reinforcing the lying Zionist propaganda which claims that the Palestinians do intend to drive the Jews into the sea. I urge as many people as possible to write to the Weekly Worker, to challenge thisargument, and to condemn Bull as harming rather than helping the Palestinian struggle.'

So Rance was offended when Bull claimed that Rance was not working hard enough for the genocidal destruction of Israel. Rance responds that of course he supports that, and in fact has been citing Marxist mumbo jumbo and masturbating nonstop for 30 years in his efforts to achieve that. Bull, on the other hand, is "homophobic" and working for the "Zionists" because Bull denounces Rance as a twit.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

David Aaronovitch Annihilates the Bugger Boys

The noted British Times columnist David Aaronovitch has blasted the Bugger Boys, the UK's "Jews against Zionism", including Tony Greenstalin and Mark Elf, as people who need to grow up:

So it is interesting to me to see that many of those involved in the boycott campaign use “Zionist” as a term of abuse, not analysis. For example, Mr Mark Elf, a heroic correspondent to the letters page of this and any other journals, describes Tony Blair as a Zionist almost entirely because he doesn’t like the PM.

He tells another critical correspondent on his Jews Sans Frontieres blog “not to lie or evade, I know that as a Zionist you find thus difficult to impossible…”. Used in this way, Zionist is just another word for bad, like the apartheid regime in South Africa was bad, or fascists are bad. It is a word to be applied to people whether they believe themselves to be Zionists or not.

As deployed by some agency entirely external to the Jewish communities — an Egyptian newspaper, say, or an Iranian TV channel — such a demonology is to be regretted but can at least be understood as an attitude towards the “other”.

But when it is used in this way by people who go to such lengths as Mr Elf or his ubiquitous comrade, Mr Tony Greenstein, constantly and at every opportunity to stress their Jewish origins, something else would seem to be going on. Ah yes, say some readers, we are way ahead of you. Mr Elf and Mr Greenstein are archetypal “self-haters”. They are typical Jews who hate Jews (an organisation, come to think of it, which would complete the long, self-indulgent list of Jews For or Against This or That). They wish somehow to lose their unwanted Jewishness by currying favour with the goyische welt. They like the Nobel prizes and the comedy, but they don’t want to be associated with the big noses and loud behaviour in Waitrose.

There are Jews who hate Jewishness. In his excellent book about being brought up in a fascist household, Trevor Grundy describes his late discovery that his fiercely antisemitic mother was herself originally Jewish. Bad experiences at the hands of her step-father might have accounted for her pathological rejection of her own people. But the very extremeness of her example indicates why I distrust the “self-hating” diagnosis as much as I distrust the Elfian definition of Zionism. Both are impertinences. “I don’t hate myself,” Mr Elf might say with justice, “I just hate you.”

Trevor Grundy’s mother hid her Jewishness. Jews Against Zionism (or whatever) luxuriate in their superior version of theirs. Indeed, their profession of Jewishness is as excessive as anybody’s on their hate-list, though it seems to exist for the sole purpose of negative deployment. I knew Tony Greenstein many years ago, when he reminded me of John McEnroe in a kefiyeh.

The boycotters, and especially the Jews for Boycotts, are not self-hating Jews — they’re adolescents. It isn’t themselves they hate, but Daddy and Mummy. In fact, they’re so vain they probably think this piece is about them.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Rance and Greenstalin celebrated by Iranian Holocaust Deniers

Our Buggerer in Chief Roland Rance and his zoo trainer Tony Greenstalin are in the news. Who says they have no followers? They DO! The Holocaust Deniers in Iran adore them!

So reports Israel Insider here. The Iranian State News Agency is hailing the anti-Semitic group "Jews for Boycotting Israeli Goods," a group consisting of little more than the Bugger Boy Rance, Greenstalin, and Alf.

The Iranians know a real Jewish Nazi when they see one!

Unlike Rodney Dangerfield, Rance and Greenstalin sure do get respect!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Roland Rance Cheered by Holocaust Denial Web Site

The Holocaust Denial Nazi web site CODOH, whose hatred of all Jews is comparable to that of Bugger Boy Rance, has celebrated the political activities of Roland Rance and his other terrorist friends. Rance produced a scurrilous anti-Semitic magazine called "Return", to promote the right of Palestinians to exterminate Jews. The Hitlerjugend over at CODOH agreed with every word.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Roland's Guru GreenStalin steps in his own doodoo

As we all know, Roland is merely the pet dung beetle of Tony Greenstein, resident British communist and self-hating Jewish anti-Semite. Roland would probably have trouble wiping his own bottom without directions from the GreenStalin.

Well, in one of the funniest web incidents in recent days, Tony Greenstein waxes on about how communism has absolutely nothing in common with nazism, nothing at all. Then Tony GreenSoprano, renowned for his penchant for using the credit cards of The Other, also insists - indeed swears to Marx - that he had never compared Zionists to nazis.

And moments later "Mikey" threw a cyber-pie in GreenSoprano's puss! Here it is:

Mikey posted on March 25, 2007 at 01:13:59 PM
Tony Greenstein cannot remember what he says one week to the next. Tony Greenstein March 25 2007 - see above " I have never said that Zionism is 'like' Nazism. " Tony Greenstein March 16 2007 - comment to Alef list (via subscription) Fri Mar 16 20:13:44 IST 2007 ....Zionism shares many facets with Nazism - see the tribute to Ilan Papper from some illiterate jerk who exclaims that Haifa will smell nicer after he is gone. A good example of the Judaeo-Nazi mind that seeks to cast out any intellectual who goes against the national myth. You simply wouldn't get such a reaction to a radical professor in Britain but maybe that's because the mores of civilisation has yet to percolate throughout most of Israeli academia. Zionism's state worship is another similarity with Naziis - e.g. the obsession with recognising the right of the Israeli state to exist etc. Tony Greenstein

Monday, March 12, 2007

Atzmon and Rance in Rodent Fight

Our friends over at Harry's Place continue to "out" the Bugger Boy Roland Rance and his little Bugger friends, Stalinist Tony Greenstein and brownshirt Mark Elf.

Seems that Roland is upset because Gilad Atzmon keeps up-staging him at all those leftist Nuremberg rallies demanding that all the Jews be killed. Rance and friends have essentially the exact same political agenda as the Neo-Nazi Atzmon but are jealous because Atzmon is getting all the press and also plays the sax, where as Roland only plays his little thing with that single hole.

Here is Harry's Place:
"In his own way, Atzmon called the far Left on this tactic. Just as Atzmon's associate slammed the British National Party for being run by "jewish overseers", Atzmon denounced what he called the "jewish gatekeepers", who sought to police the boundaries of acceptable politics within the Palestinian solidarity movement. The far Left jewish activists, Roland Rance, Tony Greenstein, and Mark Elf, and indeed anybody in the anti-Zionist camp who identified as jewish naturally became the particular targets of Atzmon's accusations. ...
"This weekend, Tony Greenstein will propose to the Palestine Solidarity Conference that they proscribe Deir Yassin Remembered: an organisation which brings together two Atzmon associates, and fellow racist cranks, "Israel Shamir" and Paul Eisen. ...
"At some point, no doubt, the Socialist Workers' Party will decide that it has to cut its links with Gilad Atzmon."

Of course, Stalinists like the Bugger Boys are little better than Atzmon.

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Rance officially declared illiterate!

It is now official. Rancie-pants really IS illiterate. Our Bugger Boy entered an essay contest and came in near last. See page here. Winner got 77 points. The Bugger Boy? A mere 18.

Gosh, what a shock!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Rance's Hooligan Stormtrooper Friend

Roland the Buggerer's Stalinist buddy Tony Greenstein, of renowned credit card fraud fame, was in the Guardian recently:

The Guardian forgot to mention that Comrade Greenstein has been banned from campuses in the UK for assaulting Jewish students. He and Rance continue their struggle for Stalinism in our Time, creative sodomy for peace, and for Islamofascism.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bugger Rance!!

Bugger Rance!!

Monday, January 29, 2007

Roland's Romance with the Neo-Nazis over at Ziopedia

Roland Rance and Tony Greenstein whine when the neo-Stalinist Counterpunch refuses to run their "response" to Gilad Atzmon and so instead they run it in the Neo-Nazi Holocaust Denial web site "Ziopedia".

Several other Rance Rants appear on the same Nazi web site.

Roland is also a regular on "Uruknet", the web site for Iraqi loyalists to Saddam Hussein, who run Rance Rants when they are not busy beheading women and children.

Roland's Sidekick in Stalinism, Tony Greenstein

Read all about the geezer here:

Credit card fraud, theft, endorsing IRA bombers, lovely guy.

Greenstein (to the tune of Greensleeves)

Composed by Syrian poet Abu Jihad:

Alas, Hamas, you do me wrong,To cast me off discourteously.
For I have loved you well and long,Delighting in terrorist company.

chorus:Greenstein, Nasrallah's joyGreenstein's Hamas delight,Greenstein the jihad toy,And who but my dear Abu Greenstein.

Syria's cause is deep in my heart,Oh, why did Asad not recruit me?Now I remain in but a Stalinist stooge -just a-planning the kulaks captivity.


I have been ready to lend a hand,To grant whatever you would crave,I have cheered threats to both life and land,The Hizbullah's good-will for to have.


If you intend thus to pogromize,It does the more enrapture me,And even so, I will deviseTo keep Zionist kids in captivity.


My men were clothed all in green,And I cheered when they lit the fuse;All this was gallant to be seen,To rain rockets down on the Jews.


Well, I will pray to Stalin on high,that thou my constancy mayst see,And that yet once before I die,Thou wilt vouchsafe to arm me.


Ah, Greenstein, now farewell, adieu,Ho, Stalin I pray will prosper thee,For I am still thy lover true,Come once again and Gulag me.


Roland and his Nazi Friends plan some new pogroms against Jews.

Where Roland will eventually end up

The gallows

Looking back on my life; ever so shallow. Slowly they walk me; to the gallows. They want me to hang, from the gallows; standing me tall, before my fall. I raped...and I pillaged. I killed women and children, in every village.Now I'm going to hang, from these gallows; sentenced. To feel my body dangle and shake, for the violence I left in my wake. Forward I walk.I do not resist; for them to end my life, I could only insist. Let me hang, from these gallows.How grand it would be; for the world to finally look up at me? Floor gives loose, I feel the tightening noose.My death is rushed, as my larynx is crushed.Fascinated to standby; so happy to see me die.I hear the commotion, as my body whips in motion. The rope is too short, at the take.Not to end my life, with a fast and even break. I hang from these gallows, slipping and fading. Through my life, ever so wading. Dying slowly from these gallows, it only takes a short while. I look down to the crowdand give a loving smile.Far from a heroic death. I can't even draw in my last breath; as I flop and swing.I embrace whatever death may bring.

Joshua Fegley