Roland Rance took some time off from his auto-eroticism for Islamofascism to post an attack on Royston Bull on the "JustPeaceUK" chat list on October 1, 2004.
"JustPeaceUK" is a communist anti-Semitic pro-terror chat list. In his posting, Rance denounces Bull for not being commuist enough and for not being anti-Semitic enough.
He writes:
'I have become involved in an increasingly bizarre exchange with the crazed Royston Bull in the correspondence column of the Weekly Worker, paper of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Bull, a notoriously homophobic former Trotskyist, now Stalinist in his politics, wrote a few weeks ago defending his opposition to the gay rights movement, asserting that such issues should be "postponed in favour of the world seeing its way to a total Palestinian victory over the whole post-1945 Jewish/imperialist colonisation attempt, one unavoidable key on the way to the world revolution". I responded, asking in what way I had benefitted from this conspiracy, to which Bull replied that my anti-Zionist "naive delusions" would be more credible if I "could be heard enouncing the foundation of the state of Israel and all its works". Of course, I responded, noting my activity over nearly thirty years, ansd asking where Bull had been during that time. He has now responded in turn, arguing that a two-state solution is an "evil fraud", a secular democratic state is "Utopian", and the only solution is "driving this rotten Zionist stunt into the sea". Bull is thus reinforcing the lying Zionist propaganda which claims that the Palestinians do intend to drive the Jews into the sea. I urge as many people as possible to write to the Weekly Worker, to challenge thisargument, and to condemn Bull as harming rather than helping the Palestinian struggle.'
So Rance was offended when Bull claimed that Rance was not working hard enough for the genocidal destruction of Israel. Rance responds that of course he supports that, and in fact has been citing Marxist mumbo jumbo and masturbating nonstop for 30 years in his efforts to achieve that. Bull, on the other hand, is "homophobic" and working for the "Zionists" because Bull denounces Rance as a twit.